100% Mohair - Texas Grown, Texas Spun
Independence Cinch Journey
We believe it matters where cinch cord is grown and processed. We are mohair producers, and use our own goat’s hair in our yarn and cinch cordage, as well as source mohair from some of the best ranches across the state. Texas has a long history of producing exceptional mohair for the world, while not benefitting from the advantages of US infrastructure for processing. This lack of domestic processing leads to the exportation of the majority of US mohair to South Africa. South Africa is considered the global center for mohair processing, and influences pricing for our Texas mohair. When we purchase mohair from fellow Texas ranchers- we pay above South African market price for their hair. This means we may not be the lowest price cordage on the market, but with high-quality, source-verified Texas mohair you know your purchase supports an added value to the producer, and encourages interest in domestic processing. These are two very important issues for our mill- value added agriculture and the support of domestic processing. We are a small mill, with a small impact… but who knows where it might lead someday? Thank you for supporting the Texas Mohair Industry.
Shop Cordage
Our mission at Independence Wool & Mohair is to proudly showcase our state’s natural fibers, and the sheep and goat ranching industry that makes it all possible. We value this connection between the land and the animals, and to the fiber they grow for us year after year. Through sharing the story, the process, and the yarn produced along this journey from land to fiber...we hope a meaningful connection will be found and enjoyed by you as well.